Forkify is a vanilla JavaScript application that interacts with the food2fork API to fetch and display recipe food data. This app uses modern JavaScript tools, such as Webpack to bundle the modules, and Babel to convert ES6, ES7 and ES8 back to ES5. The user can search for a specific recipe, and add ingredients to a shopping list or save to a favourites list via local storage. Try it now by typing something like "Pizza".
The Libary app allows you to browse through a libary filled with books to help you in your coding journey, add the books that you want to cart now. Has the ability to add books into a shopping cart, The cart component also allows editing the contents of the items selected, ​​ All form related fields are made using reusable components.
Food truck tracker lets you quickly see all of our Operator partners' nearby food trucks that are currently open, view their current real-time GPS location, and know the scheduled arrival and departure times. Users can register / create an account as either an operator or diner by providing at minimum a unique username, a valid email and a password, Built and extend API endpoints for said components. modular component-based frontends for existing API endpoints.